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Amar Nath v Gian Chand   flag 

[2022] INSC 92
Supreme Court of India
28th January, 2022

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
LRs (2008) 4 SCC 594 circa 2008 14
Ratilal Nathubhai v Rasiklal Maganlal AIR 1950 Bom 326 India - Maharashtra circa 1950 flag 2
Air 1914 PC 16; Air 1922 PC 359 AIR 1914 PC 16 Privy Council India circa 1922 flag 2
9 SCC 591 9 SCC 591 circa 1950 2
3 Australian Law Journal 743 3 Australian Law Journal 743 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1950 Legal Online flag 2
Malti Babuji Maharaj v Purushottam Lal Poddar) and (2009) 14 SCC 782 circa 2009 1
(2016) 118 ALR 62; Air 1950 Bom 326 (2016) 118 ALR 62; AIR 1950 Bom 326 Australia - Maharashtra circa 1950 LexisNexis AU flag 1

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