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Uzma Naveed Chaudhry & others v Federation of Pakistan thr its Secretary M/o Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage, Islamabad & others   flag 

[2022] PKSC 261
31st August, 2022

Legislation Cited

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Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[2009] PLD 2011 [2009] PLD 2011 Pakistan circa 2011 flag 2
Abdul Wahab v HBL [2013] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1383 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2013 flag 6
Abid Iqbal v Secretary Prosecution PLD [2010] SC 841 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2010 flag 1
Allies Book Corporation v Sultan Ahmad [2006] Supreme Court Monthly Review 152 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2006 flag 2
Arshad Mahmood v ADJ [2001] Supreme Court Monthly Review 516 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2001 flag 1
Haider Khan v Mustareen PLD [2001] SC 207 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2001 flag 1
Imran Sajid v Managing Director [2015] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1257 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2015 flag 2
Irfan Ali v State PLD [2020] SC 295 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2020 flag 2
Law v Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration) [1999] 1 SCR 497; 170 DLR (4th) 1 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 25 Mar 1999 Supreme Court of Canada flag 81
Lehrasab Khan v Aqeel-Un-Nisa [2001] Supreme Court Monthly Review 338 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2001 flag 2
Mahmooda Begum v Taj Din [1992] Supreme Court Monthly Review 809 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 1992 flag 1
Mehboob Ahmad v The State [1999] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1102 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 1999 flag 2
Mohibullah & Co v Bahauddin [1990] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1070 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 1990 flag 1
Muhammad Abbas v State PLD [2003] SC 863 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2003 flag 2
Muhammad Sadiq v Elahi Bakhsh [2006] Supreme Court Monthly Review 12 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2006 flag 1
Muhammad Suleman v Zubaida Bibi [1996] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1965 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 1965 flag 1
Nasreen Bibi v Farrukh Shahzad [2015] Supreme Court Monthly Review 825 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2015 flag 1
Province of Punjab v Kanwal Rashid [2021] Supreme Court Monthly Review 730 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2021 flag 1
Shajar Islam v Muhammad Siddique PLD [2007] SC 45 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2007 flag 2
SLIC v Jaffar Hussain PLD [2009] SC 194 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2009 flag 1
Sloan v B [1991] ScotCS CSIH_4; [1991] SC 412; [1991] SLT 530 Scottish Court of Session United Kingdom - Scotland 12 Jun 1991 BAILII flag 14
Uzma Naveed Chaudhary v Federation of Pakistan (PLD [2022] SC 783 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2022 flag 1
Waqar Haider v JFC [2009] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1243 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2009 flag 1
Yasmin v Majid [2008] Supreme Court Monthly Review 1602 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2008 flag 2
Zahid v State [2020] Supreme Court Monthly Review 590 Supreme Court Monthly Review Pakistan circa 2020 flag 3

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