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Matching Cases: 6

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
R v Butler 60 CCC (3d) 219; 1 CR (4th) 309; [1991] 1 WWR 97 Canada circa 1991 flag 5
Kourtessis v Minister of National Revenue (1989) 39 BCLR (2d) 1; [1990] 1 CTC 241; 89 DTC 5464; 72 CR (3d) 196; 50 CCC (3d) 201; [1990] 1 WWR 97 Canada - British Columbia circa 1990 flag 2
[1984] 1 WWR 97 [1984] 1 WWR 97 Canada circa 1984 flag 2
[1983] 1 WWR 97; 18 Man R (2d) 90; 31 CR (3d) 117; (1982) 2 CCC (3d) 77 [1983] 1 WWR 97; 18 Man R (2d) 90; 31 CR (3d) 117; (1982) 2 CCC (3d) 77 Canada - Manitoba circa 1982 flag 1
R v Nicholls [1974] 1 WWR 97 Canada circa 1974 flag 1
[1947] 1 WWR 97 [1947] 1 WWR 97 Canada circa 1947 flag 1

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