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Matching Cases: 7

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Brannigan v Commonwealth of Australia [2000] FCA 1591; (2000) 110 FCR 566 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Nov 2000 AustLII flag 15
United States v South Park Independent School District 566 F2d 1221 United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit United States 23 Jan 1978 WorldLII flag 12
R v The Justices of Hertfordshire [1833] EngR 384; 4 B & Ad 561; 110 ER 566 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1833 CommonLII flag 5
Irwin v Alabama Fuel & Iron Co 110 So 566; (1926) 215 Ala 328 United States - Alabama circa 1926 flag 2
Roberts v Battersea Metropolitan Borough (1914) 110 LT 566 United Kingdom circa 1914 flag 2
Warmus v Melahn 110 F3d 566 United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit United States 4 Apr 1997 WorldLII flag 1
110 US 566 110 US 566 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1997 Westlaw flag 1

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