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Matching Cases: 10

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Re Refugee Review Tribunal; Ex parte H (2001) 179 ALR 245 Australia circa 2001 LexisNexis AU flag 2
United States of America, Appellee, v Emmanuel Jones, Appellant 245 F3d 990 United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit United States 4 Apr 2001 WorldLII flag 7
Goldman v Bobins H 245 F2d 840 United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit United States 28 Jun 1957 WorldLII flag 4
Norway and Sweden - Agreement concerning the Basis for the Division of the Revenues of the Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Joint Stock Co for the Purposes of Taxation Signed at Oslo, June 14th, 1937 [1937] LNTSer 124; 179 LNTS 245 League of Nations Treaty Series International circa 1937 WorldLII flag
Gould v Gould 245 US 151; 62 L Ed 211; 38 SCt 53 United States Supreme Court United States 19 Nov 1917 WorldLII flag 46
(1989) 179 Scra 245 (1989) 179 SCRA 245 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1989 flag 2
Ladew v Tennessee Copper Co (CC) 179 F 245 circa 1917 1
179 Fed 245 179 FED 245 circa 1917 1
Gibson v Wright 179 So2d 245 United States circa 1917 flag 1
Wilkes v Stacy Williams Co 179 So 245; 235 Ala 343 United States - Alabama circa 1917 flag 2

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