35 H 6, 4 Fitz Subpoena, 22 Use, Discountinuance, Case, Plaintiff
[1220] EngR 444
United Kingdom
circa 1220
30 H 6 Fitz Devise, 22 Averment 5 Co 84 b, Perryman's case An averment might be at Common Law upon a will, although it was in writing; but not upon a will by the statue of 32 H 8, ch 1 See 29 C 2, ch 3 4 Co 1, Vernon's case, 4 a
[1220] EngR 422
United Kingdom
circa 1220
3 H 6 Fitz Challenge, 19
[1220] EngR 400
United Kingdom
circa 1220
27 H 6 8 Co 158 b Fitz Amendment, 34
[1220] EngR 361
United Kingdom
circa 1220
3 H 6 Fitz Discontinuance
18 Dyer 174
King's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1220