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Matching Cases: 8

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Minister of State for Home Affairs v Siam Polyethylene Co Ltd [2010] FCAFC 86; (2010) 187 FCR 229; (2010) 270 ALR 440; (2010) 118 ALD 463 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 13 Jul 2010 AustLII flag 3
Cofacredit, SA , Plaintiff-Appellee, v Windsor Plumbing Supply Co Inc; Windsor World, Inc; Sholam Weiss; Moshe (Moses) Weiss; Hersch (Heshy) Lipszyc; and Holleville Et Duverger USA , Inc , Defendants-Appellants, Societe Industrielle Et Commerciale Holleville Et Duverger and Erich Brandli, Defendants 187 F3d 229 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 3 Aug 1999 WorldLII flag 4
Journalists (Western Press) Award 1974 [1977] CthArbRp 1007; (1977) 187 CAR 229 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 28 Apr 1977 AustLII flag
John Johnson Sons v United States 229 F2d 713 United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit United States 13 Dec 1955 WorldLII flag
United States v Wright 229 US 226; 57 L Ed 1160; 33 SCt 630 United States Supreme Court United States 26 May 1913 WorldLII flag 8
Prudential Ins Co v Gleason 187 So 229; 185 Miss 243 United States - Mississippi flag 1
Sargent v Interstate Bakeries, Inc United States - Illinois flag
Matter of Mahaley 187 FSupp 229 United States Westlaw flag 4

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