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2 Eliz Dyer, 176 9 H 6 Fitz Challenge, 27 38 E 3   flag  6

24 Dyer 195
Dyer's King's Bench Reports
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
1 El Dyer, 177 3 Mar Dyer, 128, 376 2 Co, 17 b 9 Co 31 b Moor 111, 779 2 Rolle 101; [1220] EngR 14 King's Bench United Kingdom 1 Jan 1220 CommonLII flag 9
2 Eliz Dyer, 176 9 H 6 Fitz Challenge, 27 38 E 3 24 Dyer 195 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1220 WorldLII flag 6
2 El Dyer, 179 27 H 8, 11 14 H 8, 6 26 H 8, 5 14 H 4, 2 5 E 4, 7 21 E 4, 24 Custom, Burrough-English, Gavelkind, Noy, 106 1 Co 103 Davis, 31 a, 36 b [1220] EngR 242 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
2 Eliz Dyer, 179 Bail, Stamf 71 2 Inst 188 Italy circa 1220 WorldLII flag 4
2 El Dyer, 174 Uses, Trusts, Forfeiture, Gard 4 H 7, rap 17 Rast Ward, 20 [1220] EngR 241 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag
2 Eliz Dyer, 179 Bail, Stamf 71 2 Inst 188 Italy WorldLII flag 4

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
2 El Dyer, 179 27 H 8, 11 14 H 8, 6 26 H 8, 5 14 H 4, 2 5 E 4, 7 21 E 4, 24 Custom, Burrough-English, Gavelkind, Noy, 106 1 Co 103 Davis, 31 a, 36 b [1220] EngR 242 United Kingdom circa 1220 CommonLII flag

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