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7 East 44; 7 Eq Rep 364   flag  4

7 East 44; 7 Eq Rep 364
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Heane v W E Rogers and J G Lloyd [1829] EngR 98; 9 B & C 577; 109 ER 215; 2 F 214; 4 M & R 486 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag 18
Palyart v Leckie [1817] EngR 421; 105 ER 1251; (1817) 6 M & S 290 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1817 CommonLII flag 1
Sutton v Weeley [1806] EngR 195; 7 East 442; 103 ER 171 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1806 CommonLII flag 6
Jacob Hugg and John Bandel v The Augusta Insurance and Banking Co of the City of Augusta 48 US 595; 12 L Ed 834 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jan 1849 WorldLII flag 1

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