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Evidence Act Maroti, 'Hanya, two of the three Tulsi- Entries in the Village Crime Note Book rams, Gaotia, Dasria, Jhibal and Dhondya are therefore admissible to prove that From the above I conclude that there was certain crimes were reported and registered, ample evidence for the conclusion that a but, of course, they are no proof against gang was in operation, whose object was persons named as suspects in them From the commission of thefts in or near this the above discussion it will be seen that police station area there is good proof of the commission of The prosecution has led evidence about these crimes The next point is whether 19 registered and two unregistered cases the various articles recovered have been of house-breaking of the Tirora station properly identified, and secondly, whether house of dates between 1921 and 1933 it was legal to draw inferences against for which this gang is said to be responsi the accused because of their possession of ble A table giving particulars and show these articles For the appellants it is ing articles recovered and connected with urged that they are mostly articles of egLch case has been given in para 16 of the common daily use and the offences with judgment under appeal while cases have which they are to be connected are none been discussed individually in paras 17 of them more recent than three years : to 41 It is argued that the commission after such a lapse of time the identifica of some of these offences has not been tions are doubtful and no presumption properly proved as entries from the village under S 114, Evidence Act , properly arises, Crime Note Book are inadmissible, and so that the accused should not have been in one case the first information report asked to explain possession, and even if was not proved although it was an exhibit it was allowable to ask them, then they in another case I have checked the proof have given some sort of explanation which given for the existence of these offences, should be accepted On the other hand, with th   flag  1

AIR 1920 Cal 87
All India Reporter, Calcutta Series
India - West Bengal

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Amdumiyan Guljar Patel v Emperor [1936] AllINRprNag 142; 38 Cr LJ 237; [1937] AIR Nag 17 All India Reporter - Nagpur India - Maharashtra 18 Aug 1936 AsianLII flag

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