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Civil P C 'satisfaction is net only one of the mem Now the question is, whether the bers of the joint family, but also one of aforesaid Narasimha Ayyar who is one the partners of the firm This petition of the joint decree-holders can give a was opposed by Muthuswami Ayyar who valid discharge in respect of the whole filed this suit as the Managing partner * decree by any payment received by him lof the firm The question is whether alone It may be conceded that he by reason of the payment of the decree fills two capacities, viz , that of a part- amount to v S Narasimha Ayyar, one 1   flag  1

AIR 1927 Bom 255
All India Reporter, Bombay Series
India - Maharashtra

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Muhammad Aliyar Rowther v Gnana Ammal [1934] AllINRprMad 121; [1934] AIR Mad 327 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 5 Feb 1934 AsianLII flag

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